Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Hanging herb garden

I have been wanting to plant this herb garden since I saw the idea in the book Grow Organic.  I have been searching for the perfect hanging shoe rack for over a year.  I had finally resigned myself to the fact that I was never going to find what I was looking for and had actually started to make one out of burlap.  Then I happened to wander into a Dollarama to buy clothes pins the other day and found one!  I was so excited.  Its the small things really.  

It seems like it has been raining for months on end so the other morning there was a break in the raindrops.  It was still super damp and cold but we braved the conditions to get this project done.  Lila put a cozy sweater on over her sleeper for the occasion. 

J was concerned about the moisture being against the house if we hung it on the exterior wall so he put some "house wrap"or "tyvek" on a board and then stapled the shoe rack on top of it to prevent any moisture building up on the house. Probably an unnecessary precaution but netter safe than sorry!

We got ourselves organized and brought out the transplants, seeds, soil and a pitcher of water (which Lila promptly kicked over). Resulting in an empty pitcher and wet feet for both of us.

I re-filled the jug and poured some water into one of the pockets to see how good the drainage would be.

  The water wasn't draining very well so I poked some holes in each pocket with a knife.

 Once the holes were punched I filled each pocket half full with potting soil.

 Then I popped in the transplants and seeds.  We planted cilantro, garlic chives, garden chives, winter savory, spicy basil, regular basil, thyme, dill and mint transplants.  We also planted nasturtiums, spinach and leaf lettuce seeds.

I love it.  J attached it to the side of the house when he got home and it looks great!  So worth waiting for and I cant wait to use these herbs and veggies in my cooking this summer!

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